Hands On! believes that museums should be places that stimulate curiosity and imagination in children. Places that inspire creativity, informal and lifelong learning, whether or not based on material and immaterial collection.

Hands On! has members from 45 different countries worldwide. There members range from large national museums to ambitious individual professionals. Any museum or professional dedicated to making museums more accessible to and fun for children is welcome to join! Find out more about our memberships.


The Creaviva Children's Museum is a place of lively creativity. The idea for a children's museum is based on the concern to give children, young people and adults access to art and culture through their own creative activity. Through competence experience, the guests strengthen their self-confidence. They broaden their view of the world and experience it as shapeable and changeable. Workshops for school classes, interactive activities and open studios form the foundation of the competence centre for interactive art education, which is unique in Switzerland: the travel guide on these creative explorations is Paul Klee.


The Creaviva  is integrated into the Zentrum Paul Klee  as an independent organisational unit and is under its own management. This in turn is subordinate to the “Fondation du Musée des Enfants auprès du Centre Paul Klee”.

Foto: © Philipp Zinniker


With around 4'000 works at its disposal the Zentrum Paul Klee has the most significant collection of paintings, aquarelles, and drawings world-wide and includes archive and biographical material from all the periods of Paul Klee’s work.


A principal task of the Zentrum Paul Klee Zentrum Paul Klee  is to ensure that the artistic, pedagogic and theoretical work of Paul Klee as well as its significance within the cultural and social context of its time, is scientifically developed and communicated through different channels and media.


The Zentrum Paul Klee was made possible through the founder family Martha and Maurice E. Müller, the heirs of Paul Klee, and the authorities and the sovereign power of the City, the Canton and Burgergemeinde Bern as well as partners from business.